Favorite Resources

Favorite books, podcasts, and assessments










Family of Origin Wounds


The Enneagram

When people ask me to recommend an Enneagram assessment, I point them in the direction of reading or listening to descriptions of each of the Enneagram types. This is because the assessments are not usually accurate because we do not see ourselves clearly and struggle to separate ourselves from our season of life. When reading about the Enneagram types, think about who you were in your early 20s–not who you are “now” or who you want to be.


Difficult Relationships


Spirituality and Healing





  • Book | Set Boundaries, Find Peace (+ workbook)

  • Book | The Best of You: Break Free From Painful Patterns, Mend Your Past, Discover Your True Self in God

  • Podcast | How to Set Boundaries




Chronic (Neuroplastic) Pain


Emotional Regulation

  • Book | Living Like You Mean It


Anxiety and ADHD

  • Book for anxiety | Try Softer: A Fresh Approach to Move Us Out of Anxiety, Stress, and Survival Mode--and Into a Life of Connection and Joy

  • Book for anxiety | Strong Like Water

  • Book for anxiety | The Best of You: Break Free From Painful Patterns, Mend Your Past, Discover Your True Self in God

  • Book for anxiety | Hope and Help for your Nerves

  • All of Curt Thompson’s books

  • Podcast | Anxiety: What it is and How to Respond to It by The Place We Find Ourselves

  • Podcast | Help! My Brain’s Been Hijacked by The Connected Life



